By Marianna

Your business? Your inspirations?

Over the years I tried to do and to create many things.

Just to discover time and time again that it was not fitting around my family life.

And my family and my kids- is the upmost paramount venture of my life.

But Now – Im finishing most of my trainings. Im in the right circles of professionals.

I have learned a lot. Got inspired. Then went back and founded my own grounding.

Rediscovered me and became harmonious with me.

Its not about the size. Or what you do.

Its about doing what you love and be comfortable with yourself, surrounded by the people, who genuinely wish you well.

To thrive in life is to invest in you. Invest in your development. Learning. Invest in your dreams. Invest your time in you.

In turn – your family benefits enormously.

It takes time.

I’m being coached.

There are no self-made millionaires. No self made successes.

Its collaboration.

I’m not alone. You are not alone.

Last published January 30, 2017

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