By Marianna

Being You

As we grow and develop in our early childhood- we develop our own perception of ourselves. The version we feel comfortable with. Or is it the version of ourselves that we dont like – yet we dont have enough strength to change it?

We form our opinion about ourselves, based on tbe opinions of our parents, teachers, friends, relatives, etc. We create responding patterns to our outside world. We create that internal image of ourselves that we carry on to be our internal mirror.

So by the time we are 18- we are pretty much aware of who we are, what we like or dislike, how we relate to other people. And from then on- pretty much we are operating from that point of view. We are going through life – experiencing good and bad situations and people. We know what we like and what we dont like.

From then onwards we are operating from the ” safe comfort zone”. The question is - is the comfort zone your growth zone? Is everything we have accepted as the truth about ourselves is still valid today?

Have we yet learned from our mistakes and are we ready to move on? Or is life going to continue giving us the same situation / people scenario?

Should we re-examine our childhood beliefs? If your teacher said to you that you are not good at Maths? Does it mean that you are still not good at it? Can you be good at swimming? Or singing? Or dancing? Or drawing? Or performing?

I used to believe Im not good at art. Im going to challenge my belief and join art class.

And you?

Last published January 12, 2017

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